

The Tasmanian Multiple Birth Association is excited to announce a new committee structure this year, and we need YOU to make it a success.

We’re looking for passionate committee members and dedicated volunteers to join our team. Whether you have a few hours a month or a more flexible schedule, there’s a place for you.

Our committee will focus on four key themes across the year, these inculde; 

1. Community: Building and nurturing our multiple birth family network. (Playgroups, events, Expectant Parent sessions etc)

2. Membership: Growing and engaging our multiple membership base.

3. Fundraising: Creating and managing exciting fundraising opportunities. (Grant Applications, Sourcing Donations, Discounts and fundraising initiatives etc)

4. Communications: Enhancing our presence and connecting with our community. (Social Media, Website, Newsletters, PR etc.) 

There is a Lead position who is responsible for each theme, with additional Committee Members and volunteers who also work in that theme. There will also be standard constitutional committee roles available. See details in infogrpahic below. 

Committee member roles only require 1-3 hours per month of your time. You are required to attend bi-monthly meeting can be attend in person or online and volunteer hours can be used for childcare and other similar government rebates

So please get in touch if you would like to become a committee member or if you would like to simply volunteer, who are a vital support with supporting in writing a grant submission, flip burgers at a bbq, distribute flyers. 

If you’re enthusiastic about making a difference and working with a fantastic team of volunteer multiple birth parents, we want to hear from you! Let’s make this year incredible together for all Tasmanian Multiple Birth Families!

The AGM will also be held on 22 June at 3pm at Rosny Library. You can also join virutually. Afternoon tea will be provided.